"Listen to your heart..."
The Divine Feminine
"Your work is truly beautiful. Something about your art touches me; it is much more than a picture." ~~K.F. (Canada)
"She". This painting goes very deep. Within the cosmos is a compassionate mother holding her child while still in embryo. At first she does not want to be seen (see eyes/nose on the left), then suddenly, she emerges in all her glory to hold and protect her child in this world and beyond. (16x16 acrylic on canvas - October 2014)
Viewer Comments to Eyes of the World
- This is so deep and beautiful...she looks amazing and her colours are fantastic...I see the darks and lights she went through. I cannot stop looking at her. ~~A.L.L.
- She is truly the Cosmos....love her. ~~Y.T.H.
- She takes my breath away! ~~K.G. (Canada)
Viewer Comments to Eyes of the World
- Lion-Heart; "fearlessness" - may I remember you when I'm in doubt. Thank you. ~~K.D.
- She is a wild woman and I love that she is calling you forth to unleash your roar!!! Interesting how her breast plate hold her heart for all to see...that it must be shown. ~~S.J.
- Wow! Very powerful! ~~C.G.
© 2005-2022
Snowy Feather Art
Website Design, Artwork & Photos: Adrien Amadeo
Site owner Adrien Amadeo
Full rights for all artwork and photography retained